We NSLive Astro Pvt,Ltd. is a Govt Recognized Private Limited Company. We have been doing research on Astrology for the last 10+ years Especially on KP and Nadi Astrology.

We belive that KP Astrology can give accurate predictions compared to other Astrological Methods. So we are providing KP Advanced Astrology Classes in Advanced Method. We have an Professional Vedic & KP Astrologer and Numerologist, and Professional KP and Nadi Astrology Teachers to provide online training on diff astrology courses and in our professional astrologers many has awarded / honored by Jyotish Visharad, Also honored by Jyothish Brahma Awards in 2022.

NSLiveAstro is the best platform for online Astrology predictions, and all the prediction techniques we verified and simplified with our expert astrologers to understand the common people very easyly by using our applications.

The features like Free kundali , Matchmaking & Daily Panchangam etc that has been prepared / verified after consulting more than 50+ expert astrologers.

NSLiveAstro is providing a Astrology Courses & Book a Pooja, Online Shop for Astrology Products And Services etc...

Our main moto is to Speard the Spritiual Astro Activities to the world.

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