NS Live Homas

These pujas and homams are useful for solving various problems in the horoscope. All these are scientifically agreed and unders...

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Shri Lakshmi Ganapati & Sankata Hara Chaturthi Homa

Shri Lakshmi Ganapati & Sankata Hara Chaturthi Homamu According to Vedic tradition, the Shastras say that any work that is star...

₹ 17500

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Vara Pasupata Homa

If there is a marriage defect in the girl's horoscope or if there is a delay in marriage by doing Pasupata Homam, there is a chanc...

₹ 17500

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Kanya Pasupata Homa

If there is a marriage dosha in the boy's zodiac sign or if there is a marriage dosha for late marriage, doing pasupata homam ...

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Chandi Homa

Speciality of Chandi Homa Chandi Homa is performed on the full moon day of every month. On this day Amma is decorated with a gold...

₹ 17500

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Lakshmi Kubera Homa

Specialty of Lakshmi Kubera Homa Lakshmi means wealth, prosperity, light, knowledge, luck and fertility. Mainly for these, Laksh...

₹ 17500

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